Advanced graphical user interface for particle simulation programs
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F5.2.1} Commands


 call "{str:filename}" [ {val}, ... ]

      - Up to ten optional parameters can be specified to call.
        Their values are available inside the called script in the
        variables $0 through $9. Inside the script, the variable
        $# holds the number of parameters passed to call.

      - call must be the last command on a multi-command line.

 load "{str:filename}"
      - Load commands from file and execute them.
      - load must be the last command on a multi-command line.

 save "{str:filename}"
 save [ functions | variables | set | terminal ] "{str:filename}"

      - Save details of the current session to file.

      - functions | variables | set | terminal writes only
        user-defined functions /variables / sets / terminal to file.

      - Without any of the optional constraints, all user-defined
        functions and variables, the


 plot [ {ranges} ]
         [ {function} | "{str:filename}" ]
            [ index {int:start}[:{int:end}][:{int:step}] ]
            [ every {int:step}[::{int:start}[::{int:end}]] ]
            [ using {columnspec} ]
         [ axes [ x1y1 | x1y2 | x2y1 | x2y2 ] ]
         [ title [ "{str:explanation}" | {int:col} ]
            | notitle ]
         [ smooth [ unique | frequency | bezier | sbezier
            | csplines | acsplines ] ]
         [ with {stylespec} ]
         [, ... ]

     - Ranges are given as pairs in brackets: [min:max]. Leaving an
       entry empty leaves the corresponding limit unchanged; supplying
       a * turns on autoscaling for that limit. Up to two ranges can
       be supplied: one to limit the x range, and one to constrain the
       y range. In parametric mode, up to three ranges can be
       supplied. The first measures the range of the parameter; the
       following two are as before. A function can be supplied,
       depending on a dummy variable called x in regular mode, or t in
       parametric mode. (The name can be changed using set dummy.) A
       text file containing data to plot can be specified.

     - Supplying an empty filename reuses the most recently named file
       in the same plot command. The special filename hyphen ( - )
       indicates that data should be read from the same device that
       the command was read from (usually standard input-the terminal
       in interactive mode). index selects which data set(s) in the
       input file should be plotted.

     - Data sets are separated from each other by double blank lines
       in the data file. Data sets are counted starting at zero.

     - "every" controls how lines in multiline records should be read.

     - "using" selects which columns should be used for x and y
       values, and possibly other values as well (style-dependent).

     - Column numbers start at 1. The pseudo column with column number
       0 contains the line number (starting at zero) in the current
       data set, resetting to zero when encountering a double blank
       line. The pseudo column with column number -2 contains the index
       of the current data set, which is incremented whenever a double
       blank line is found. If a column number is enclosed in
       parentheses, the expression within the parentheses is
       evaluated and the result is used as if it were the column
       value. Within such an expression, the value of each column can
       be accessed by prefixing the column number with a dollar sign
       ($). axes indicates which set of axes the current data file or
       function should be plotted against.

     - "title" takes a string that will be placed as explanation into
       the graph's key (legend). Supplying an empty string or the
       notitle keyword suppresses the key entry. If the set key
       autotitle columnhead option has been enabled, title takes an
       integer argument that will be interpreted as a column number.
       The first noncomment line in the column indicated will be used
       as explanation in the graph-s key. smooth applies a smoothing

    - "unique" sorts points by x value and replaces multiple data
      points having the same x value with the average of the y values.
      - frequency sorts points by x value and replaces multiple data
        points having the same x value with the sum of the y values.

      - bezier   calculates the Bezier curve through all data points.

      - sbezier  applies the unique transformation and then calculates
                 the Bezier curve for the result.

      - csplines applies the unique transformation, then calculates a
                 natural cubic spline interpolation, passing exactly
                 through all data points.

      - acsplines applies the unique transformation, then calculates a
                  weighted cubic spline approximation. The weights
                  must be supplied through an additional column.

        Repeat the last plot or splot command.

 splot [ {ranges} ]
       [ {function} | "{str:filename}" ]
           [  index {int:start}[:{int:end}][:{int:step}] ]
           [  every {int:step}[::{int:start}[::{int:end}]] ]
           [  using {columnspec} ]
           [  title "{str:explanation}" | notitle ]
           [  with {stylespec} ]
           [, ... ]

    - The syntax is similar to the plot command, except where the
      additional dimension needs to be accommodated (additional range
      and column specs).


 set ...
        Set an option.

 show   ...
         [ variables [all] | functions ]
         [ all | version ] [ long ]

        Display information about the current session.
        - Can be used with any option to see the current value of that
        - show plot displays the most recent plot command.
        - "variables" and "functions" display only user-defined variables
          and functions.
        - "variables all" displays user-defined and gnuplot internal

        Reset all options to their system defaults.

 unset ...
        Disables an individual option or resets it to its default state.


        Spawns an interactive shell.

 system "{str:shellcmd}"
        Executes a shell command and displays its output on the


        Clears the current output device.
        - Clears the current output device as set by set output.

 lower {int:winid}
        Lowers a plot window.

 raise {int:winid}
        Raises a plot window.

 test [palette]
        test generates a standard test image, demonstrating line styles and point types,


 fit [ {ranges} ]
     {function} "{str:datafile}"
          [ index {int:start}[:{int:end}][:{int:step}] ]
          [ every {int:step}[::{int:start}[::{int:end}]] ]
          [ using {columnspec} ]
          via [ {var1}, {var2}, ... | "{str:parameterfile}" ]

        Performs a numerical, nonlinear least-squares fit. Most of the
        syntax is similar to the syntax for the plot command and many
        of the data selection and transformation directives available
        for plot are also available for fit. Both the function to fit
        and a file with the data must be supplied. The function must
        depend on the dummy variable explicitly. The parameters named
        in the via clause are varied to obtain the best fit result.

 update "{str:filename}"
        Writes the current values of the best-fit parameters to the
        named file.


 bind [allwindows] "{str:keys}" "{str:command}"
       Change or display hot key bindings.

 if ({condition}) {command}
        [; else if ( {condition} ) {command} ]
        [; else {command} ]
       Conditional execution of commands.

 pause {int:seconds} [ "{str:message}" ]
 pause mouse [ {eventmask} ] [ "{str:message}" ]
       Prints a message to the screen, then waits until a timer
       expires or a user event occurs.

       If used within a file containing gnuplot commands, forces
       gnuplot to read the file again from the

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