Advanced graphical user interface for particle simulation programs
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F3.2} Cards

 Flair is treating the input file as a list of extended cards;

 Each extended card contains:

   Comment: All commented lines preceding the card(s) as well the
            inline comments

   Tag:     The 8 character word identifying the card. All tags not
            recognized by flair will be converted to #error

   WHATs:   Multiple number of WHATs, and each one is numbered as:
              0    = name/sdum
              1-6  = 
on the first line 7-12 =
on the first continuation line ... Extra: multi line string of extra information for special cards like REGION, TITLE, PLOTGEOM etc. State: (Enable/Disable) Flair recognize automatically (and separates them from the comments) all the disabled valid FLUKA cards The region definition in the in geometry is emphasized by the presence of a card named REGION; All the COMPOUND cards related to one material are joined in one card; Cards are edited with the flair editor through the use of the mini-dialogs, forcing the user to enter the correct information (default); The user can nevertheless gain full control of the card using the Edit dialog (Ctrl-E); Flair will try to find the best floating point representation of each number, to ensure the maximum accuracy; number of digits that fits in the specific width (10 for the fixed format, 22 for the free format). Function evaluation: a field value starting with = will force flair to evaluate its content as a function e.g. BEAMPOS x: =2*10+length Flair will create a valid fluka input containing the evaluation of the formula and keep the formula inside the comments as !@what.1 =2*10+length Look the Function Evaluation F3.6 for more details
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